How to use Stay Lit - Meditation Incense Mantras
It is challenging to fully immerse yourself into meditation in our busy on the go lifestyle. Especially with driving through traffic, cooking dinner, meeting deadlines, and life. Many struggle to find the time to live in the present moment.
It is very important that we invest into self care so that we don't burn out.
We have created this package of 7 incense sticks as your first steps to a calmer you.
Each incense sets a silent timer where you can take time to meditate, read a book, cook dinner, dance around the house, creating or whatever you choose to to.
Clearing your mind can be very helpful and de-stressing in our busy day to day life.
We have however curated a few words that go along with each colour of the incense in the meditation packs.
We encourage our users to journal and get creative when using our products
Write down a positive word at the beginning of the week and focus on that each time you light a new incense.
Example week 1
Word: Love
Accept : Love
See : Love
Speak: Love
Love: Love
Do: Love
Feel: Love
Be: Love
By doing this we are programming ourselves to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. Creating a better headspace, allowing us embody all that we are, so we can feel better, do better and radiate better energy into our world.
Incense Scents
Accept : Jasmine
See : Lavender
Speak: Watermelon
Love: Gardenia
Do: Lemongrass
Feel: Harmony
Be: Cherry
Product Info
Hand dipped
Natural dye
Up to hour burn time
Scent last up to three hours
Seven incenses per kit